
exercising the brain and the body

This is going to be a short one. I’m in pain, all over. Even my fingers hurt. I should have taken Belcher’s advice to ‘at least write 15 mins a day to get used to it and make it easier to get back into the next day’ and apply it to my fencing. I hadn’t fenced since November (?) and fenced for 4 hrs. straight on Saturday. Hence, I am in pain.

I’m thinking, if I had fenced (or exercised) at least 15 mins. a day for the past two months, if past-Luisana had thought of future-Luisana, present-Luisana would be so grateful.

One comment on “exercising the brain and the body

  1. I didn’t know you were a fencer! That’s awesome! Which blade?

    Argh, sorry you are in pain!

    I was thinking just now about the tension between creating daily habits that make my life better, and having unregimented freedom to think and explore in unexpected directions and see where it takes me. Also about Kelly’s very wise comment (on Marie Nour’s blog) that she cannot develop in all directions at once. But yes, nonetheless, I’m looking forward to getting back to more regular sword practice.

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