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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
I took a nap. =) This TikTok/Instagram audio has been running on my mind for the past week because I did just that: I took a nap every day of Spring Break. It was lovely. And refreshing. But most of all, restful. There’s something renovating in resting. After my daily nap I usually felt more creative and with a renewed…
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This is going to be a short one. I’m in pain, all over. Even my fingers hurt. I should have taken Belcher’s advice to ‘at least write 15 mins a day to get used to it and make it easier to get back into the next day’ and apply it to my fencing. I hadn’t fenced since November (?) and…
As I wondered yesterday what my blog post should be about, I kept thinking about the Belcher book. I previously mentioned in class how the introduction and first chapter of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks felt like a “How To…” book. The more that I dele into the book, the more this is confirmed for me. So, I…
Things have definitely changed in my writing in the past week. There’s no explanation for it, other than perhaps Kindling Words East did kindle the words in me. Update on my creative writing, I turned in my proposal for JULIETA 2 (potentially titled Julieta and the Cryptic Rose) to my editor. It was encouraging that she said they might buy…
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