Julieta and the Diamond Enigma

Julieta’s first adventure!

Winner of the 2018 LEE & LOW New Visions Award!

Shortlisted for the 2022–2023 Florida Sunshine State Young Readers Award

Kirkus 2020 Top 10 Middle-Grade Summer Reads


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A cursed diamond. A thief on the run. And one very busy young detective!

Nine-year-old Julieta is finally about to put a purple pin in her family’s world traveling map! She’s off to Paris to help her art-handler dad collect pieces for a new exhibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Sadly, they must leave Julieta’s very pregnant mother behind, but they’re sure they’ll be back before the baby is born.

Julieta sees the best of Paris: The Eiffel Tower, the Sacré-Cœur, and plenty of great art. But things go awry when she and her Dad walk in on a thief stealing the exhibit’s most prized piece, the Regent Diamond—a priceless cursed diamond with a shady history.

As Julieta runs for help, she accidentally frees the thief instead! Now her Dad’s job is in danger and he’s become a suspect. They might not even get back to Boston in time for her brother to be born. Can Julieta determine who the thief really is before it’s too late?

Want to learn more about how this book came to be? Check out my appearance on Lee & Low Books  “Tea Time Talks” in conversation with TU Books publisher Stacy Whitman and my editor Elise McMullen-Ciotti.

Julieta is coming back for another adventure! Click here to learn more.

Publisher: Tu Books, an imprint of Lee & Low.

Order here: Bookshop.org | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Want a personalized copy? Contact me.

Teacher’s Guide


Julieta y el enigma del diamante

Winner of the 2024 Campoy-Ada Award

Selected for the 2025–2026 Tejas Star Reading List

Julieta, de nueve años, finalmente está a punto de poner un pin morado en el mapa mundial de viajes de su familia! Se va a París para ayudar a su padre, un encargado del arte, a recolectar piezas para una nueva exposición en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Boston. Lamentablemente, dejan en casa a la madre de Julieta, que esta muy embarazada, pero están seguros de que llegarán a tiempo para el nacimiento del bebé.

Julieta ve lo mejor de París: la Torre Eiffel, el Sacré-Cœur y arte excelente. Pero las cosas salen mal cuando ella y su padre encuentran a un ladrón que roba la pieza más preciada del Louvre, el Diamante Regente, un diamante maldito de valor incalculable con una historia turbia.

Cuando Julieta corre en busca de ayuda ¡accidentalmente libera al ladrón! Ahora el trabajo de papá está en riesgo y él se a convertido en sospechoso. ¿Podrá Julieta determinar quién es realmente el ladrón?

¡Ganador del Premio Tu Books Nuevas Visiones 2018!

Nine-year-old Julieta is finally about to put a purple pin in her family’s world traveling map! She’s off to Paris to help her art-handler dad collect pieces for a new exhibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Sadly, they must leave Julieta’s very pregnant mother behind, but they’re sure they’ll be back before the baby is born.

Julieta sees the best of Paris: the Eiffel Tower, the Sacré-Cœur, and plenty of great art. But things go awry when she and Dad walk in on a thief stealing the Louvre’s most prized piece, the Regent Diamond–a priceless cursed diamond with a shady history.

When Julieta runs for help, she accidentally frees the thief instead! Now Dad’s job is in danger and he’s become a suspect. Can Julieta determine who the thief really is before it’s too late?

Publisher: Tu Books, an imprint of Lee & Low.

Order here: Bookshop.org | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Want a personalized copy? Contact me.