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Julieta y el enigma del diamante awarded the 2024 Campoy-Ada Award!


El premio Campoy-Ada, establecido en el 2017 en convocatorias bianuales, tiene por objetivo celebrar la publicación en español de libros para niños y jóvenes publicados en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Patrocinado por el consorcio entre La Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE) y la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio (UTSA), este premio abarca 12 categorías de ficción y no ficción, con temas latino-céntricos y temas universales que faciliten la comprensión multicultural de la sociedad estadounidense.

Link to Press Release





Julieta y el enigma del diamante included in the 2025–2026 Tejas Star Reading list which features Spanish and bilingual books!

Visit the Texas Library Association’s website to learn more about the list and all of the great titles included in it.

nErDcampCT—March 1st, 2025

A Nerdcamp is a free literacy event. Teachers, librarians, authors and illustrators of children’s books, as well as other lovers of literacy get together to discuss reading, writing, and books! EdCamps, the original “unconference”, sparked this new form of professional development. In an Edcamp, educators get together to create their conference.

​Nerdcamp is an “unconference” modeled after the original edcamp with a focus on literacy. An “unconference” means that participants decide which topics will be explored.

Palabras de Noviembre Podcast: Episode 33

Listen to a podcast episode where I talk about my love for books, the importance of knowing how to communicate through writing, and even give some book recommendations.

Listen here!

Manchester Author Fair—September 14th, 2024

My local library, Mary Cheney Library, held an Author Fair on September 14th, 2024. Thank you for inviting me.

Julieta and the diamond enigma got nominated for 2022–2023 a Sunshine State Young Readers Award by the Florida Association for Media in Education

Here are the 2022-2023 nominees.


*FREE* CRAFT CHAT at THE WRITER’s LOFT, MA (10/29/20 7pm ET)

Join me for a FREE Craft Chat on October 29th, at 7pm ET. Titled “Constructing a Cultural Cosmos,” this craft chat will focus on the use of mythology, art, and other cultural elements to enrich your story’s world. We’ll delve into cultural considerations, the research process when dealing with historical artifacts, and some pitfalls to avoid. This will be an exploration on how to make these elements work for you, instead of against you. All are welcome. Visit The Writer’s Loft for more info and how to join.

The Regent Engima found a home

Winner of the 2018 Lee & Low New Visions award, my middle-grade mystery novel The Regent Enigma has found a home at Tu Books, an imprint of Lee & Low. Read the press release here.